Sunday, June 28, 2015

Blockout 03 - Horse Anatomy

I had a lot of fun sculpting this. I can't wait to texture it and add a saddle and bridle.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Blockout 02 - Female Anatomy
I have the general shape down, however I have little to no detail in here.
Will continue to work on this and update it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Blockout 01 - Male Anatomy

I started out a little slow on this project, blocking out the base in maya. However once in ZBrush everything really started coming along smoothly. After many a critique, I have the finished block out for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hello! Like I've said before, I'm in the month right before I start my finals. My classes include Directed Study and Game Technologies. The previous post focused on what I'd be doing for my Game Tech class. I'd like this post to focus on what I have been doing for my Directed Study class.
We have four milestones this month, I've already completed Milestone 1 and Milestone 2. Milestone 1 consisted of creating twelve materials. These included  bone, skin, silk, gold, burlap, an emissive material and then dirty versions of each of those.
This was my final result!

For Milestone 2 we were asked to sculpt a realistic human skull as well as complete a cloth study. I thought my skull came out okay, though I wish I had a little more time working on the smaller details. And I really loved how my cloth turned out, we were required to sculpt two different kind of cloth. I chose to sculpt a towel (onto a base sculpt from ZBrush) and a table cloth. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Reference Post
Welcome! This is the month right before my finals. Oh boy! We were given three choices in our Directed Study class for all of the Game Art students. The three included: Prop/Environment Modeling, Character Modeling, and Animation. I've decided to major in Character Modeling. So the next three months are going to be me focusing on three different characters. Month one will be a female, month two a male, and month three will hopefully be modeling a horse! I'm very excited. So the class I am currently in now (Game Technologies) is requiring us to find references for these character and then sculpt ONE of them.
So here are my references:



And finally, my beauty. I have fallen in love with this character so much. If given more time I would have tried to do a full body, but I'm just not quite at that level yet. So this is my finished textures piece and then the beauty shot!

This is the last bit of sculpting I did as well as the start of my retopology! I started retopologizing in Maya but for whatever reason each time I put down a quad (using the quad draw tool) the program would slow down to the point where it was taking about 5 minutes to create one quad. I eneded up finishing the retopology process in ZBrush using the zremesher tool. The results were fantastic and only took about 10 minutes to complete versus the 10 plus hours I wasted trying to do it in Maya.

I feel like on of the hardest things to sculpt were her eyes. Everything else turned out amazing but I was still tweaking the eyes even until the very end! I loved the way everything turned out though.
This is the next step, I added a lot more details. 

I decided to give this character a name and a little bit of background information. She is an alien princess named Daya. Most of the terrain on her planet is either ocean or dessert areas.
This is my first block-out:

Hello! Sorry it's been so long, I've been so busy and unable to upload anything.
I would love to update you guys on last months project for the class Advanced Game Characters. I had a ton of fun completing this assignment. I guess I'll first start you guys off with all the references I gathered.